Why choose Holt Chiropractic?
Holt Chiropractic integrates high quality chiropractic adjustments, rehab, and functional med approach help you to fully reach your potential. we pride ourselves on our communication and education giving our patients a clear and forward understanding of their condition, options to improve, and how we can directly help you reach those goals.
We treat individuals like they should be treated. like individuals. Here at Holt Chiropractic we provide individualized care specific to your needs and condition. no cookie cutter treatment plans that just make you a number. Our goal is to provide custom care based on need and desired results to help reach your ideal wellness and performance.
We are always willing to work with you. Unsure if chiropractic is right for you? give us a call or stop in during business hours and talk to Dr. Holt directly about your condition and how we could be a partner in your health.
We are excited to help you start you journey from pain to performance.
chiropractic care is safe and effective for almost all people.

Whether you are runner or a power lifter you can benefit from chiropractic care by keeping your joints mobile, and healthy. Insuring correct biomechanics throughout workouts using Neuromuscular re-education and more. flexibility and full range of motion is key to avoiding gym and sports related injury. Chiropractic can help prevent injury but also speed recovery from injuries when accidents happen.
New and expecting mothers can benefit by reducing aches and pains from carrying extra weight and recover from a traumatic berthing process. Newborns can benefit from care after a traumatic berthing process to help ensure correct musculoskeletal development.
Adults can benefit by reducing everyday aches and pains from work and life. Joint health is critical to preventing injuries and maintaining a healthy body that allows you to continue to do the things you love as you get older.
Our Mission
Our mission is to do everything in our power to help you reach your health goal.
helping you go from pain to performance